User-Defined Function in Dart
4 min read

A user-defined function is a function that is created by the programmer for his/her custom need. It provides us with the flexibility to reuse our code and divide them into small chunks. Let’s discuss how we can create a user-defined function in a dart.
First of all, remember, there are two main terminologies behind the use of function:
Function Definition
Function Call
Function Definition — It is a time when we define a function. At this time we define its name, work, parameters, and its return type, etc.
Function Call — It is a time when we need the function and we call it. Just remember before you call the function you need to define it. In short first define, the function then call the function.
There are four parts of the user-defined function:
Function name
Return type
Function body
Function Definition
It is a time when we define a function. At this time we define its name, work, parameters, and its return type, etc.
function_name() {
SayMyName () {
print("Jay Tillu");
Function calling
It is a time when we need the function and we call it. Just remember before you call the function you need to define it. In short first define, the function then call the function.
function_name ()
SayMyName ()
Sample Program
print("Jay Tillu");
Jay Tillu
- Here first we define the function and then we call it from the main function.
In Dart, user-defined functions are powerful tools that allow programmers to encapsulate their custom logic into reusable and organized blocks of code. By dividing the code into smaller functions, developers can enhance code readability, maintainability, and modularity.
The process of creating a user-defined function involves two main steps: Function Definition and Function Call. During the Function Definition phase, programmers define the function's name, parameters, return type, and the tasks it will perform. Once the function is defined, it can be called from anywhere in the program to execute its defined tasks.
User-defined functions promote code reusability, as the same function can be called multiple times from different parts of the program. It also simplifies complex code by breaking it into manageable parts, making it easier to understand and debug.
In summary, understanding how to create user-defined functions in Dart opens up endless possibilities for programmers to build flexible, efficient, and well-structured applications. By utilizing functions effectively, developers can write cleaner code, save time, and improve overall productivity in their Dart projects. So, let's embrace the power of user-defined functions and take our Dart programming skills to the next level. Happy coding!
This is the basics of function guys. In upcoming articles, we will discuss further functions. Till then Keep Loving, Keep Coding. And I’ll surely catch you up in the next article.
Remember no teacher, no book, no video tutorial, or no blog can teach you everything. As one said Learning is Journey and Journey never ends. Just collect some data from here and there, read it, learn it, practice it, and try to apply it. Don’t feel hesitant that you can’t do that or you don’t know this concept or that concept. Remember every programmer was passed from the path on which you are walking right now. Remember Every Master was Once a Beginner. Work hard and Give your best. Jai Hind, Vande Mataram 🇮🇳