Array in Swift
3 min read

Arrays are like the workhorses of any programming language, including Swift. They are collections that help you store and manage multiple pieces of data in an organized manner. If you're new to programming or Swift, this guide will introduce you to the basics of arrays.
What's an Array?
An array is a container that holds multiple values of the same type in an ordered list. Imagine it like a shelf with compartments, and each compartment can store one item. You can put any kind of item you want in each compartment, as long as they're all of the same type.
In Swift, arrays can store things like numbers, text, or any other data type. They are incredibly versatile and allow you to work with collections of data efficiently.
Creating an Array
Creating an array in Swift is easy. You specify the type of elements it will contain, and you can do it in two ways:
Using the Array
var shoppingList: [String] = ["Apples", "Bananas", "Milk"]
Using shorthand syntax []
var favoriteColors = ["Red", "Blue", "Green"]
Both of these lines create arrays that can store strings, and Swift is smart enough to figure out the data type for you.
Accessing Elements
Each element in an array has a unique position called an index. The indices start at 0. So, the first element is at index 0, the second at 1, and so on. To access an element, you use square brackets []
with the index inside:
let firstItem = shoppingList[0] // This will get you "Apples"
Modifying an Array
You can modify the contents of an array in various ways:
Appending Elements
You can add new elements to the end of the array using the append(_:)
Updating Elements
You can change the value of an element by accessing it using its index:
shoppingList[2] = "Chocolate"
Removing Elements
You can remove elements using methods like remove(at:)
, removeAll()
, or popLast()
shoppingList.remove(at: 1) // Removes "Bananas"
shoppingList.removeAll() // Removes all elements
Array Length
To find out how many elements are in your array, you can use the count
let count = favoriteColors.count
Looping Through an Array
You can use a for-in
loop to go through each element in an array:
for item in shoppingList {
print("I need to buy \(item)")
Arrays in Swift are a fundamental part of programming. They're your go-to tool for managing collections of data. With arrays, you can store, retrieve, modify, and work with groups of values efficiently.
As you become more comfortable with Swift, you'll discover that arrays are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to handling collections. But for now, understanding arrays is a great place to start your Swift journey.