Variables in Swift
6 min read

In programming, a variable is like a labeled box in which you can put different kinds of information, such as numbers or words. You give the box a name, and you can change what's inside it as your program runs. Think of it as a way to store and use data in your computer program.
In Swift there are two ways to declare variables:
- For Mutable DataUsing
- For Immutable (Constant) Data
Using Var
In Swift, you can declare variables using the var
keyword. Variables are used to store and manage data that can change during the execution of your program. Here's how you declare and use variables in Swift:
var variableName: DataType = initialValue
is the name of the variable.DataType
is the data type of the variable, such asInt
, or a custom type.initialValue
is an optional initial value you can assign to the variable when you declare it. If you don't provide an initial value, Swift will infer the data type based on the context.
var age: Int = 30 var name: String = "John" var price = 19.99 // Swift infers the type as Double var isStudent: Bool = true
Changing the Value:
You can change the value of a variable after its initial declaration:
age = 31 name = "Jane" price = 29.99 isStudent = false
Type Inference:
In many cases, you don't need to explicitly specify the data type because Swift can infer it from the initial value:
var count = 10 // Swift infers the type as Int var greeting = "Hello" // Swift infers the type as String
Using let
If you want to declare a value that cannot be changed after its initial assignment, you can use the let
keyword to declare constants. once a value is assigned to a constant using the let
keyword, it cannot be changed. Constants are used when you have data that should not and cannot, be altered during the execution of your program.
Here's how you declare and use constants in Swift:
let constantName: DataType = initialValue
is the name of the constant.DataType
is the data type of the constant, such asInt
, or a custom type.initialValue
is the initial value that you assign to the constant when you declare it.
let pi: Double = 3.14159 let appName: String = "MyApp"
Constants are useful for values that should not change throughout the program's execution.
Naming Rules
Variable names can contain letters, numbers, and underscores.
Variable names must start with a letter or an underscore.
Variable names are case-sensitive, so
is considered different variables.Avoid using Swift's reserved keywords as variable names.
Here's a simple example of variable usage in Swift:
var currentTemperature: Double = 25.5
currentTemperature = 26.0 // Variable value can be changed
In Swift, variables are a fundamental part of managing and manipulating data in your programs, and they provide flexibility to adapt to changing values as your code runs.
Type Inference
Type inference is a feature in Swift that allows the compiler to automatically determine the data type of a variable or constant based on its initial value. This means you don't always have to explicitly specify the data type when declaring variables and constants; the compiler can figure it out for you. This feature makes Swift's code more concise and readable.
Here's how type inference works in Swift:
Explicit Type Declaration:
You can declare a variable or constant with an explicit data type:
var age: Int = 30 let name: String = "Alice"
In these examples, you've explicitly specified the data types (
) for the variables.Type Inference:
Swift can infer the data type from the initial value. If you don't specify the data type, Swift will automatically determine it:
var age = 30 // Swift infers the type as Int
let name = "Alice" // Swift infers the type as String
Type inference can make your code shorter and more readable.
It also helps prevent type-related errors because the compiler ensures that the inferred type matches the value you've assigned.
When to Use Explicit Type Declaration
While type inference is handy, there are cases where explicit type declaration is beneficial, such as when:
You want to make the code more explicit and self-documenting, especially for complex or unclear cases.
You need to use a specific data type, even if Swift could infer a different type (e.g. when working with numeric types).
You're declaring a variable with no initial value (in such cases, the data type must be explicit because there's no initial value to infer from).
Type inference simplifies your code by allowing you to focus on the values and their behaviour rather than explicitly specifying data types in many cases.
Here's a simplified summary of the concepts discussed above:
Variables in Swift:
Think of a variable as a labelled box to store different kinds of data, like numbers or words.
You give the box a name, and you can change what's inside as your program runs.
In Swift, you can use
it to declare variables for data that can change.Example:
var age: Int = 30
, whereage
can store an integer value.You can change the value of a variable after declaring it.
Type inference lets Swift figure out the data type if you don't specify it.
Constants in Swift:
Constants are like variables, but once you put something in, it can't be changed.
to declare constants for data that shouldn't change during the program.Example:
let pi: Double = 3.14159
, wherepi
can't be modified.Constants are useful for values that should stay the same.
Type inference also works for constants in Swift.
Type Inference:
Type inference is Swift's ability to figure out the data type based on the initial value.
You don't always need to tell Swift the data type; it can guess.
It helps make code shorter and prevents type-related errors.
You can still specify the data type explicitly when needed.
In summary, variables are like labelled boxes for data you can change, constants are for unchanging values, and type inference in Swift helps make your code more concise and less error-prone.