Range in Swift
4 min read

In Swift, a range is a versatile and powerful concept that allows you to work with sequences of values, whether they're numbers, characters, or elements within collections. Ranges provide a flexible way to express and manipulate sets of values, and they are widely used in loops, conditional statements, and data manipulation. In this blog, we'll dive deep into Swift ranges, exploring their types, syntax, and common use cases.
Understanding the Basics
In Swift, there are two primary types of ranges:
Closed Range (
) - A closed range includes both endpoints,a
. It represents a continuous sequence of values starting froma
and ending atb
, inclusive.Half-Open Range (
) - A half-open range includes the starting pointa
but not the ending pointb
. It represents a sequence of values starting froma
and ending just beforeb
.One-Sided Range (
) - We can create a one-sided range using either of the...
or the..<
operator. A one-sided range contains elements up to infinite in one direction.
In Swift, ranges are primarily used with integer data types, and you cannot directly use them with floating-point numbers (such as Float
or Double
). Ranges, including closed ranges (a...b
) and half-open ranges (a..<b
), are designed to work with discrete values, not continuous values like floating-point numbers.
Creating Ranges
Ranges are easy to create in Swift. You can use them with various data types, including integers, characters, and more. It's crucial to understand whether you need an inclusive or exclusive range. Depending on your needs, you can choose between the two range types.
Integer Ranges
let closedRange = 1...5 // Closed range: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
let halfOpenRange = 1..<5 // Half-open range: 1, 2, 3, 4
Character Ranges
let characterRange = "a"..."z" // Closed range of characters: a, b, c, ..., z
One-Sided Range
let range1 = ..<2
let range2 = 2...
Here, ...<2
is a one-sided range. It contains all elements from 2 to -∞. Similarly, the second range 2...
contains all elements from 2 to +∞. With a one-sided range, we only set either upper bound or lower bound.
Iterating with Ranges
Ranges are often used in loops to iterate over a sequence of values or elements within a collection.
Looping with a Closed Range
for number in 1...5 {
print(number) // 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Looping with a Half-Open Range
for number in 1..<5 {
print(number) // 1, 2, 3, 4
Ranging through a collection is also straightforward:
let colors = ["Red", "Green", "Blue", "Yellow", "Orange"]
for index in 0..<colors.count {
Checking for Membership
You can check if a value is within a range using the contains()
let range = 1...10
let number = 5
if range.contains(number) {
print("\(number) is in the range.")
Slicing Arrays and Strings
Ranges are handy for extracting a portion of an array or a substring from a string.
let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
let subset = numbers[2..<5] // [3, 4, 5]
let text = "Swift Programming"
let subString = text[6..<12] // "Program"
Ranges in Swift are versatile tools that simplify many tasks in programming. They allow you to work with sequences of values, slice collections, and iterate through a range of elements. By understanding the two primary types of ranges—closed and half-open—and their various use cases, you can harness the full power of Swift's range capabilities in your code. Whether you're working with numbers, characters, or collections, Swift ranges are your reliable companions for efficient and expressive programming.