Using the index as a key in React is generally considered a bad practice for several reasons, especially in dynamic lists where items may be…
Promises are a way of handling asynchronous operations in JavaScript. They are used to make asynchronous code more manageable and easier to …
As a language, JavaScript is designed to be asynchronous, allowing developers to create responsive and dynamic web applications. Callbacks p…
In JavaScript, the call stack is like a to-do list for functions in your program. It follows the rule of "Last In, First Out," meaning the l…
This article explains the need for a Call Stack in JavaScript. JavaScript uses a Call Stack to track the functions in a program. The call st…
A React element is like a blueprint for something you want to show on a web page. It's a simple JavaScript object that describes what you wa…
The React Element is a small piece of code representing a part of the User Interface in a React Application. Every React element is a JavaSc…
Below are some key features of React. Efficient UI Updates: Facebook's web applications require frequent updates to the user interface (UI)…
Based upon Datatype, JavaScript passes a value of a variable using two ways: Using Pass by Value Using Pass by Reference Pass by Value W…
Datatypes are the foundational topic of any programming language. Today we will learn about Datatypes in JavaScript. Datatype specifies whic…
Creating a Modern Web App includes a lot of heavy coding, optimization and designing. For many years developers have found ways to optimize …
Today's world is relay on the Internet. And the Internet is all about sharing data and information. But as the internet grows sharing inform…